Trail Blazers Yearbook

A complete 120-page magazine style yearbook spotlighting the 2014–2015 Trail Blazers season by profiling players, reviewing history, and celebrating fans.

I designed this yearbook from a fan’s perspective, focusing on the storyline of the Rip City community and the connection fans have with their team. 

This starts with the cover by uniting and inviting the fans into the book. It also sets the tone and main theme throughout the book, which uses bold distinctive headers in a tone of voice that feels open and honest. It was also the perfect way to showcase the newly created ripcity font. 

An aspect of the yearbook is to profile each player on the team. To embody the theme of community and connection, I designed the page to feel like it was the player introducing themselves. This comprised of the header “i am,” bold optimistic headshots, and listing their stats in the first person. This unique approach was a first for this decade old, yearly project.

The bold headers, and tone of voice continued into the rest of sections. Titles like “this is” and “we are” keep the theme at the forefront throughout the magazine. The large blocky layout let the images shine while the title and description box created a bold highlight clearly displaying what that page was about.

I also got to choose which photos to use out of a variety of selects supplied by the two team photographers.

Aligning with the theme I picked photos that I felt conveyed passion, energy, and togetherness. I chose shots where maybe you can feel what the player, coach, or fan is feeling that moment.

In total 10,000 copies of the yearbook were printed and handed out to fans, and season ticket holders at various games and events.

It was a true honor to be trusted with such a large project right after my internship and in addition to seeing fans love it I feel it really gave me the confidence that kickstarted my career as a designer. 

  • Page Layout, Photography Composition, Production Design

  • Late 2014 Post Trail Blazer Internship

  • Mario Milsoevic: Art Director